
5 misconceptions about Egg Donation

24 March, 2020


1.If I donate my eggs, I can ‘t have my children in the future.

No, according to most literary materials and our own experience among our many donors – egg donation does not reduce a woman ‘s ability to become pregnant on her own. A woman is usually born with a million eggs, during an ovarian puncture, the doctor takes away from her a safe number of eggs, it is 20-25 eggs.

2. If I donate my eggs, there ‘s a risk of early climax coming

There is no confirmation of the fact of early menopause as a result of passing the cycle of stimulation of superovulation in modern medicine. There are no hormonal drugs can affect germ follicles (a woman ‘s ovarian reserve). During the ovarian stimulation process, this in no way affects the depletion of a woman ‘s follicle reserve, only the follicles that would have died in a given menstrual cycle are taken, And we do not allow them to die and bring them to the mature stage. The reproductive period takes a period of time in a woman ‘s life from 17-18 years to 45 years. Most women after 45 years begin a period of premenopause that lasts 5-6 years, although these figures are very variable and depend on hereditary factors, lifestyle and health. During this time, ovarian function gradually fades. The average age of menopause is 51.

3.Egg donation is painful.

Women who had already participated in the donation programme said they experienced some discomfort, but there was no case where donors complained of severe pain. During the time when hormone injections are input, some women talked about a little discomfort. They described that feeling as a slight severity in the stomach, as when the next months came, but no more. The procedure of Egg Retrieval , absolutely painless and carried out under local anesthesia.

4.Only older women need egg donors.

Age, that ‘s not the only reason women may need donor eggs. Sometimes it happens that women under 40 years of age cannot get pregnant because of some disorders in the body. For example, Primary ovarian insufficiency.

5.To become a donor, I must have my own children

No, not necessarily, according to the law, even a woman who has not given birth may become a donor. The main requirement to participate in the donation program is psychological and physical health, and also a good mood and a great desire to help people.


What compensation donor receives under the terms of the programme?

All participants who have been medically examined and admitted to the programme “ Egg Donation” receive a cash

29 March, 2020

5 misconceptions about Egg Donation

No, according to most literary materials and our own experience among our many donors – egg donation does not reduce a woman ‘s ability to become pregnant on her own.

24 March, 2020

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